Are you interested to know Richard Wayne Van D.? He is one of the most promising Actor, Comedian, Writer, Singer, Dancer of this time. In this part we write his biography. If you are curious about Richard Wayne Van D. you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Richard Wayne Van D. net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.

Richard Wayne Van D. Wiki
The full name of this Actor, Comedian, Writer, Singer, Dancer is Richard Wayne Van D. He has also a nick name and it is Dick Van D. He has American citizenship. The home town of this person is West Plains, Missouri, U.S.A Check the following table to get more information.
Real Name | Richard Wayne Van D. |
Tag Name | Dick Van D. |
Male/Female | Male |
Profession | Actor, Comedian, Writer, Singer, Dancer |
Citizenship | American |
Home Town | West Plains, Missouri, U.S. |
Birth Day | 13-Dec-25 |
Age | 97 years old |
Star Sign | Sagittarius |
Religion | Christian |
Eye Color | Blue |
Hair Colour | Black |
Heights | In Centimetres 185 cm In Feet and Inches 6 1 |
Weight | In Kilograms 68 Kg In Pounds 150 lbs |
School | Danville High School |
College Name | We will update it soon |
Parents | Father Loren Van D. Mother Hazel McCord |
Brother-Sister | Jerry Van D. |
Marital Condition | Married |
Affairs | No data found |
In relation with | Arlene Silver (m. 2012), Margie Willett (m. 19481984) |
Kids | Barry Van D. , Christian Van D. , Stacy Van D. , Carrie Beth Van D. |
Net Worths | $55 Million |
How old is Dick Van D.?
You must have an idea about Richard Wayne Van D. age! If not, then nothing to worry about this. Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town etc have been focused here. The birth date is 13-Dec-25. Now Richard Wayne Van D. age is 97 years old. He was born in West Plains, Missouri, U.S..
- Birth Location : West Plains, Missouri, U.S.
- Birthday : 13-Dec-25
- Age : 97 years old
- Star Sign : Sagittarius
Dick Van D. Height and Physical Description
We have noticed that people are always ineterested to know about the physical structure’s information of their favorite personalities. A celebrity can set a trend through hair style, attire, makeup and even height, weight, eye color too. We are aware of it. Dick Van D. has a height of In Centimetres 185 cm, In Feet and Inches 6 1. He current weight is In Kilograms 68 Kg, In Pounds 150 lbs. Weight is an ever changable value. You are going through the latest value of his weight now.
- Height : In Centimetres 185 cm, In Feet and Inches 6 1
- Weight(s) : In Kilograms 68 Kg, In Pounds 150 lbs
- Eye Colours : Blue
- Hair Color : Black
Richard Wayne Van D. Affairs & Personal Life
Do you know the marital status of Richard Wayne Van D.? We are going to provide some of his personal life informations here which could be your point of curisity. We have tried to show you his hobbies, marital status, affairs and many other personal stuffs. We have tried to cover their favorite things and personalities here. According to our research and data his is married
- Parent : Father Loren Van D.
Mother Hazel McCord - Sibling : Jerry Van D.
- School : Danville High School
- College : We will update it soon
- Affairs : No data found
- Marital Status : Married
- In relation with : Arlene Silver (m. 2012), Margie Willett (m. 19481984)
- Children : Barry Van D. , Christian Van D. , Stacy Van D. , Carrie Beth Van D.

Richard Wayne Van D. Net Worth and Earnings
Do you curious about the net worth of Richard Wayne Van D.? How much is his salary? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. There have many controvercies which we add in this section. Richard Wayne Van D. net worth is $55 Million.
These are the information you might be looking for the weight, height, age and bio of Richard Wayne Van D. By all this information you can clearly know about this person. Is all information correct? you can contact with us. We are awaiting your opinion.