Do you know Meg Elizabeth Donnelly? She is one of the popular Actress, singer, model to many people. In this part we write her biography. If you are curious about Meg Elizabeth Donnelly, you are in the right place. In the below section you will get the details of Meg Elizabeth Donnelly’s net worth, height, age, affairs and much more information. Go ahead to check the details.

Meg Elizabeth Donnelly Biography
The full name of this Actress, singer, model is Meg Elizabeth Donnelly. The tag name is Meg Donnelly. Basically She is American. Her home town is New York City. To get more information check the below table section.
Birth Name | Meg Elizabeth Donnelly |
Nick Name | Meg Donnelly |
Gender | Female |
Profession(s) | Actress, singer, model |
Citizenship | American |
Birthplace | New York City |
Birth Date | 25-Jul-00 |
Age as in [year] | 22 years old |
Star Sign | Leo |
Religious Belief | Christian |
Eye Color | Blue |
Hair Color | blonde |
Heights | In Centimetres 160 cm In Feet and Inches 5 3 |
Weight(s) | In Kilograms 52 Kg In Pounds 114 lbs |
School | Annies Playhouse School of Performing Arts |
College | We will update it soon |
Parents | Father Michael Donnelly Mother Elizabeth Donnelly |
Sibling | Will be Updated |
Marital Condition | Single |
Boy Friend/Girl Friend | No data found |
Spouse | Not Available |
Children | Not Available |
Net Worth | $3 million |
Meg Donnelly Age and Other Info
You must have idea about Meg Elizabeth Donnelly age! If not, then nothing to worry about this. You can find it here if you don’t know about her birthday or birthplace and other facts related to this. The birth date is 25-Jul-00. Now Meg Elizabeth Donnelly is 22 years old. By born She is from New York City.
- Birthplace : New York City
- Date of Birth : 25-Jul-00
- Age as in [year] : 22 years old
- Star Sign : Leo
Meg Donnelly Height, Weight and Other Info
We have noticed that people are always ineterested to know about the physical structure’s information of their favorite personalities. A celebrity can set a trend through hair style, attire, makeup and even height, weight, eye color too. We are concern about it. In case of height, Meg Donnelly is In Centimetres 160 cm, In Feet and Inches 5 3 tall. The approximate weight is In Kilograms 52 Kg, In Pounds 114 lbs. The value of weight can be changed anytime. We try to show the recent one.
- Heights : In Centimetres 160 cm, In Feet and Inches 5 3
- Weight : In Kilograms 52 Kg, In Pounds 114 lbs
- Eye : Blue
- Hair Colour : blonde
Meg Elizabeth Donnelly boyfriend and Personal Life
Are you interested about the marital life of Meg Elizabeth Donnelly? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. In this section you will get information about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things. This part is about her favourite things like favourite personality, activity and so on. Her marital status is single
- Parent : Father Michael Donnelly
Mother Elizabeth Donnelly - Sibling : Will be Updated
- School : Annies Playhouse School of Performing Arts
- School Name : Annies Playhouse School of Performing Arts
- College Name : We will update it soon
- Boy Friend/Girl Friend : No data found
- Marital Condition : Single
- In relation with : Not Available
- Kids : Not Available

Meg Elizabeth Donnelly Net Worth and Salary
Do you want to know about the net worth of Meg Elizabeth Donnelly? What amount of honorarium does She get? It is mentionable that net worth and salary changes over time. There have many controvercies which we add in this section. Meg Elizabeth Donnelly’s net worth is $3 million.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Meg Elizabeth Donnelly net worth, height, weight and bio. We believe that this information will help you to know about her. Is all information correct? you can contact us through our comment form. We are waiting for you.