Are you interested in Herbert Randall Wright Iii? He is an emerging Rapper & Songwriter at present. We write every detail about this Rapper & Songwriter. if you are interested in Herbert Randall Wright Iii, we can assure you you will be happy by visiting here. Here you will get the details of Herbert Randall Wright Iii net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.
Herbert Randall Wright Iii Short Bio

The full name of this Rapper & Songwriter is Herbert Randall Wright Iii. People and his relatives often call him G Herbo & Lil Herb. He has American citizenship. The home town of this person is Chicago, Usa. Christianity is followed by him. The educational qualification of this person is Dropped out from high school. Let scroll the below table.
Full Name/Real Name | Herbert Randall Wright III |
Familiar name | G Herbo & Lil Herb |
Gender | Male |
Citizenship | American |
Community | Multiracial Descent |
Religion | Christianity |
Herbert Randall Wright Iii Age and birth place
Do you have an interest in the Herbert Randall Wright Iii Age? We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. Check the following table, you will be able to know the birth-related information. The birth date is 5-Oct-95. He is now 26 years old. The location of his birth is Chicago (Illinois, USA).
Date of Birth | 5-Oct-95 |
Age as in [year] | 26 years |
Birth Location | Chicago (Illinois, USA) |
Home Town | Chicago, USA |
Zodiac | Libra |
Herbert Randall Wright Iii Height, Weight and Other Info
Physical structure expresses the beauty of celebrities. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We are concern about it. The height of Herbert Randall Wright Iii is 183 cm. The approximate weight is 80 Kg. As the weight changes regularly we put the current value. The hair color is Black and the eye color is Black.
Height | 183 cm |
Heights in Feet | 6 Feet 0 Inches |
Heights in meter | 1.83 meter |
Weight(s) | 80 Kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 176 lbs |
Body Measurements | 42-32-35 |
Size of Chest | 42 inch |
Waist Size in Inch | 32 Inches |
Hip Size in inch | 35 inch |
Biceps Size | 14 Inches |
Eye Colour | Black |
Hair Colors | Black |
Herbert Randall Wright Iii girlfriend and Marital Status
What do you think about the marital status of Herbert Randall Wright Iii? If you are interested enough about personal life, you get all the personal info here. In this below section we have added marital status and affairs, hobbies, and many other things. We have also written about favorite personalities and things like color, food etc here. Let check the table below to know about marital status and other information.
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Dates with | In love with his new partner Taina Williams |
Affair(s) | 1. Ariana Fletcher.2. Taina Williams |
Wife/Spouse Name | Will be Updated |
Hobbies | Traveling & Photography |
Father | Father Name: Not Known |
Mother | Mother Name: Not Known |
Brother Name | Will Be Updated Soon |
Sister Name | Will be Updated Soon |
Famous Relatives | Not Known, Will be updated Soon |
Daughter and Son | Yosohn |

Educational Backgrounds
Here are the educational qualifications of Herbert Randall Wright Iii. Many of his followers want to know about the educational qualification. Some fans like to follow their admirable celebrities to know about their activities, education and so on. Educational qualifications have been described here. Sometimes, it is not possible to find the exact information. When we don’t have any data, we keep that data blank.
School | Hyde Park Academy High School |
Colleges | Will be updated soon |
Level of Education | Dropped Out from High School |
Professional Life and Controversies
We have added a wide range of information about his professional life. You will also get a school name, college name, educational qualifications, and other related information here. The main profession is Rapper & Songwriter.
Distinguished For | His single Up released in 2019 |
Main Profession | Rapper & Songwriter |
Tattoos | Inked a tattoo on his right and left hands |
Hobbies | Traveling & Photography |
Favorite Celebrities | Actor: Tom Cruise.Actress: Jessica Alba |
Herbert Randall Wright Iii Net Worth and Salary
Do you curious about the net worth of Herbert Randall Wright Iii? What about his income? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. In the below section we have focused on the net worth and salary. Controversies are also added in this section. The total net worth of Herbert Randall Wright Iii is $1 Million US Dollars.
Earning | Will be Updated Soon |
Net Worths | $1 Million US Dollars |
Favourite Color | Black, Brown & Blue |
Favorite Food | Butter Chicken & Cake |
Holiday Destination | Japan |
Common Question of Herbert Randall Wright Iii
What is the Zodiac sign of Herbert Randall Wright Iii?
According to the birth date, the Zodiac sign is Libra.
What is the religious belief of Herbert Randall Wright Iii?
He believes in Christianity.
What is the age of Herbert Randall Wright Iii?
The Age of Herbert Randall Wright Iii is 26 years.
Is Herbert Randall Wright III Married?
He is unmarried.
What is the net worth of Herbert Randall Wright Iii?
The net worth is $1 Million US Dollars.
That’s all about Herbert Randall Wright Iii’s height, age, weight and biography. We believe that this information will help you to know about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, you can share your opinion through the comments form. We are looking forward to hearing from you.