Are you interested to know Vicente Fernandez? He is one of the most promising Singer, Actor of this time. You will get the full biography of Vicente Fernandez here. If you are curious about Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez, you are in the right place. Scroll down the below section, you will get Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez age, net worth, height, affairs, education and many more. Go ahead to check the details.

Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez Wiki
The real name of this Singer, Actor is Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez. People and his relatives often call him Vicente Fernandez. His nationality is Mexican by birth. The home town of this person is Jalisco, Mexico. To get more information check the below table section.
Full Name/Real Name | Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez |
Familiar name | Vicente Fernandez |
Gender | Male |
Profession(s) | Singer, Actor |
Nationality | Mexican |
Birthplace | Jalisco, Mexico |
Birth Day | 17-Feb-40 |
Age | 82 years old |
Heights | 1.70 m |
Height(s) Feet | 5 feet and 6 inches |
Height(s) cm | 170 cm |
Weight(s) | 78 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 171 pounds |
Dates with | No |
Marital Condition | Married |
Spouse | Maria del Refugio |
Children | Yes ((Alejandro, Alejandra, Vicente, and Gerardo) |
Salary | Not Known |
Net Worth | $30 million |
How old is Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez?
Are you aware of the Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez age? Please have a look in the below part if you are interested about him birthday and birthplace related facts. You may hear that his birthday is on 17-Feb-40. Him current age is 82 years old. The location of his birth is Jalisco, Mexico.
Vicente Fernandez Height and Physical Information
We have noticed that people are always ineterested to know about the physical structure’s information of their favorite personalities. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We are concern about it. The height of Vicente Fernandez is 1.70 m. The weight is 78 kg. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.
Vicente Fernandez Affairs and Marital Status
Do you know with whom He engaged now? In this part, you will be able to know his personal facts and issues that you are interested to. In this below section we have added marital status and affairs, hobbies, and many other things. We have also written about favorite personalities and things like color, food etc here. Let check the table below to know about marital status and other information.

Vicente Fernandez Net Worth and Salary Information
Do you want to know about the net worth of Vicente Fernandez? What amount of honorarium does He get? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. To know more specific about his net worth and salary follow the below table. All his controvercies are updated in this section. The total net worth of Vicente Fernandez is $30 million.
Common Question of Vicente Fernandez
What is the net worth of Vicente Fernandez?
The net worth is $30 million.
Is Vicente Fernandez Married?
He is married.
What is the profession of Vicente Fernandez?
He is Singer, actor.
Where is the birthplace of Vicente Fernandez?
The birthplace of Vicente Fernandez is Jalisco, Mexico.
What is the height of Vicente Fernandez?
He is 1.70 m tall.
These are the information you might be looking for the weight, height, age and bio of Vicente Chente Fernndez Gmez. We believe that this information will help you to know about him. If there are any wrong information. inform us through comment or use our contact detailsWe are looking forward to hearing from you.