Do you know Shahzan Mujeeb? He is popular enough for the youth at this time. We have added the detailed biography of this Singer, Music Director. If you want to know more about Shahzan Mujeeb, we have some good news for you. Here you will get the details of Shahzan Mujeeb net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s Check.
Shahzan Mujeeb Wiki

The real name of this Singer, Music Director is Shahzan Mujeeb. The tag name is Shahzan. According to his birthplace, He is Indian by birth. The name of his home town is Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. Muslim is followed by him. The educational qualification of this person is Graduate. Let check the below section to get more information.
Real Name | Shahzan Mujeeb |
Familiar name | Shahzan |
Citizenship | Indian |
Religion | Muslim |
Shahzan Mujeeb Age and Other Information
Are you curious about the Shahzan Mujeeb Age? We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. From the below table you will get the different birth-related information. The birth date is 1996. The current age is 27 years. The location of his birth is Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.
Date of Birth | 1996 |
Age as in [year] | 27 Years |
Birth Location | Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh |
Grow Up at | Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh |
Residence | Mumbai, Maharashtra |
Shahzan Mujeeb Height and Physical Information
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. Celebrities physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We are concern about it. He is almost 5’8″ feet. The approximate weight is 59 Kg. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value. The eye color is Black. Similarly, the hair color is Black.
Heights | 5’8″ feet |
Weight(s) | 59 Kg |
Figure | Chest: 38 inches Waist: 32 inches Biceps: 12 inches |
Eye Colour | Black |
Hair Colors | Black |

Shahzan Mujeeb Affairs and Marital Status
What is the marital status of Shahzan Mujeeb? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. In this below section we have added marital status and affairs, hobbies, and many other things. We have tried to cover their favorite things and personalities here. Check the below to the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.
Marital Status | Single |
Affair | Not Known |
Hobbies | Singing and Travelling |
Family Members | Father : Mujeeb Ur Rahman |
Shahzan Mujeeb Educational Qualification
In the below section, we have discussed the educational qualification of Shahzan Mujeeb. Many of the fans want to know about the educational background. Some fans like to follow their admirable celebrities to know about their activities, education and so on. The below table is about educational qualifications. Sometimes, it is not possible to find the exact information. For that situation, we review that information regularly.
Schools | Not Found |
University Name | Not Found |
Level of Education | Graduate |
Shahzan Mujeeb’s Professional Life and Controversies
In this section, we have focused on his professional life. Here we also provide the school name, college name, educational qualifications and many others. He is started his career as Television : Indian Idol 10 (2018)Film : Reva (2018). The main profession is Singer, Music Director.
Profession(s) | Singer, Music Director |
Beginning | Television : Indian Idol 10 (2018)Film : Reva (2018) |
Awards | Not yet |

Shahzan Mujeeb Net Worth and Salaries
Do you know about Shahzan Mujeeb’s net worth? What is the main source of income? It is common that, salary and asset change over time. In the below section we have focused on the net worth and salary. We also add the controversies in this section. Shahzan Mujeeb’s net worth is Rs. 5lakh – 18 lakh(Approx).
Earning | Rs. 50 Thousand per month (Approx) |
Net Worth | Rs. 5lakh – 18 lakh(Approx) |
Controversies | None |
Shahzan Mujeeb in Social
Facebook Link | | | |
Twitter Link | # |
Wikipedia Link | # |
Frequently Ask Questions
What is the address of Shahzan Mujeeb?
According to the our database , the Address is is Mumbai, maharashtra.
Is Shahzan Mujeeb Married?
He is single.
What is the height of Shahzan Mujeeb?
5’8″ feet
What is the age of Shahzan Mujeeb?
The Age of Shahzan Mujeeb is 27 Years.
What is the educational qualification of Shahzan Mujeeb?
His educational qualification is Graduate.
This is all about Shahzan Mujeeb’s net worth, bio, height, weight, and other information. We believe that this information will help you to know about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, you can contact us through our comment form. We are waiting for you.