Do you know Rj Nitin? He is one of the youngest celebrities to many many people. We have added the detailed biography of this Radio Jockey, Presenter, Voice Artist, Actor. If you want to know more about Rj Nitin, we have some good news for you. Scroll down the below section, you will get Rj Nitin age, net worth, height, affairs, education and many more. Let’s Check.
Rj Nitin Wiki
The birth name of this Radio Jockey, Presenter, Voice Artist, Actor is Rj Nitin. People and his relatives often call him Cross Talk Balaji. According to his birthplace, He is Indian by birth. his home town is Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He believes in Hinduism. He achieved Not sure degree. Let check the below section to get more information.
Full Name/Real Name | Rj Nitin |
Nick Name | Cross Talk Balaji |
Nationality | Indian |
Religious Belief | Hinduism |
Rj Nitin Age and Other Information
Are you aware of the Rj Nitin Age? We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. From the below table you will get the different birth-related information. Based on our research the birthday is on 20 June 1985. He is now 37 years old. According to our research, He was born in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.
Date of Birth | 20 June 1985 |
Age | 37 Years |
Birthplace | Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
Grow Up at | Chennai, Tamil Nadu |
Zodiac Sign | Cancer |
Rj Nitin Height and Physical Description
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. Celebrities physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We are concern about it. His height is in centimeters- 170 cm in meters- 1.70 m in feet inches- 5’ 7”. The weight of this person is in kilograms- 80 kg
in pounds- 176 lbs. The Weight varies from time to time, here you get the latest weight. The eye color is Black. Similarly, the hair color is Black.
Heights | in centimeters- 170 cm in meters- 1.70 m in feet inches- 5’ 7” |
Weight(s) | in kilograms- 80 kg in pounds- 176 lbs |
Figures | – Chest: 38 Inches – Waist: 29 Inches – Biceps: 14 Inches |
Eye Color | Black |
Hair Color | Black |
Rj Nitin Marital Status and girlfriend
What do you think about the marital status of Rj Nitin? If you are interested enough about personal life, you get all the personal info here. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. We have also added the favorite personalities and things in the section. Check the below to the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.
Marital Status | Married |
Affair | Not Known |
Hobbies | Travelling |
Favorite thing/Person | Nayanthara |
Family | Father- Name Not Known Mother- Name Not Known Brother- 1 (Younger) Sister- 3 (Younger) |
Rj Nitin Educational Qualification
Here you will get the educational qualifications of Rj Nitin. Many of his followers want to know about the educational qualification. Some of the fans love to follow their favorite celebrity and get inspired by their activities and education. Educational qualifications have been described here. We always depend on a reliable source, but it is tough to find. In no data we found, we try to keep a close look at this.
School Name | Attented 11 Schools |
College/University | Kumararani Meena Muthiah College of Arts Amrita School of Communication, Coimbatore |
Educational Qualification | Not Sure |
Professional Life
This section focuses on his professional life and events. We have added also school name, college name, educational qualifications. His career started as Film:- Ethir Neechal (2013)
Radio:- Hello Coimbatore (2006). Though He has much other lesser focus profession. The focus point is Radio Jockey, Presenter, Voice Artist, Actor.
Profession | Radio Jockey, Presenter, Voice Artist, Actor |
Known as | Radio Jockey, Presenter, Voice Artist, Actor |
Beginning | Film:- Ethir Neechal (2013) Radio:- Hello Coimbatore (2006) |
Awards | No Award Found |
Rj Nitin Net Worth and Salaries
Do you curious about the net worth of Rj Nitin? What is his salary? It is mentionable that net worth and salary change over time. In the below table, you will get the latest info about salary and assets. Controversies are also added in this section. Rj Nitin’s net worth is $2 Million.
Income | 4-5 Million |
Net Worths | $2 Million |
Controversy | Unknown |
Frequently Ask Questions
Is Rj Nitin Married?
He is married.
What are the hobbies of Rj Nitin?
The hobbies are Travelling.
What is the religious belief of Rj Nitin?
He believes in Hinduism.
What is the profession of Rj Nitin?
He is Radio jockey, presenter, voice artist, actor.
What is the net worth of Rj Nitin?
The net worth is $2 Million.
That’s all about Rj Nitin’s age, height, weight and biography. We believe that this information will help you to know about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, let us know through comments or using our contact section. Your opinion is valuable to us.