Are you interested to know Ray Allen? He is popular enough for the youth at this time. We have added the detailed biography of this Professional basketball player. Are you interested to know about Walter Ray Allen,Jr.? Here we have discussed about him. We have added detail;s of Walter Ray Allen,Jr. net worth, age, height and other details. Go ahead to check the details.

Walter Ray Allen,Jr. Biography
Walter Ray Allen,Jr. is him real name. The nickname is Ray Allen. He has American citizenship. The home town of this person is Castle Air Force Base, Atwater, California, United States. Check the following table to get more information.
Real Name | Walter Ray Allen,Jr. |
Known as | Ray Allen |
Male/Female | Male |
Profession(s) | Professional basketball player |
Citizenship | American |
Birth Location | Castle Air Force Base, Atwater, California, United States |
Birthday | 20-Jul-75 |
Age as in [year] | 46 years old |
Heights | 1.96 m |
Height(s) Feet | 6 feet and 5 inches |
Height(s) cm | 196 cm |
Weight(s) | 93 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 205 pounds |
Dating History | To be Updated |
Marital Condition | Married |
Spouse | Shannon Walker Williams(m. 2008) |
Children | Yes (Tierra Allen, Walter Ray Allen III, Wynn Allen, Walker Allen Ray Allen, Wynstan Ryan Allen) |
Income | —- |
Net Worth | $120 million |
Ray Allen Age and Other Info
Is the age of Walter Ray Allen,Jr. is a mystery to you? Please have a look in the below part if you are interested about him birthday and birthplace related facts. The birth date is 20-Jul-75. Him current age is 47 years old. The location of his birth is Castle Air Force Base, Atwater, California, United States.
Walter Ray Allen,Jr. Height, Weight and Physical Info
Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and fitness. Fan followers are always having craze on physical sturucture like hight, weight, eye colors, body shape and so on. We are aware of it. In case of height, Ray Allen is 1.96 m tall. Him weight is approximately 93 kg. As the weight changes regularly we put the current value.
Ray Allen Marital Status and girlfriend
What do you think about the marital status of Walter Ray Allen,Jr.? Some of his personal life informations have been portrayed here to thirst your quest. To give idea about his marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things we decorated this section. His favorite personalities and things have been described here. Check the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.

Ray Allen Net Worth and Salary Information
Do you curious about the net worth of Ray Allen? How much He get paid in a month? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. In the below section we have focused on the net worth and salary. Some controversies about his are found which is also added below. The Net worth of Ray Allen is $120 million.
What is the net worth of Ray Allen?
The net worth is $120 million.
Is Ray Allen Married?
He is married.
What is the Birth day of Ray Allen?
The date of birth of Ray Allen is 20-jul-75.
What is the age of Ray Allen?
The Age of Walter Ray Allen,Jr. is 47 years old.
What is the height of Ray Allen?
He is 1.96 m tall.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Walter Ray Allen,Jr. net worth, height, weight and bio. By all these information you can clearly know about this person. Do you find anythig wrong in all of these? feel free to contact us. We love to hear from you.