Have you heard the name of Pratik Sehajpal? He is an emerging Actor, Model, Fitness Trainer, Athlete, Motivational Speaker at present. We write every detail about this Actor, Model, Fitness Trainer, Athlete, Motivational Speaker. If you are curious about Pratik Sehajpal, you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Pratik Sehajpal’s net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary, and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.
Pratik Sehajpal Early Life
Pratik Sehajpal was born on 20 December 1993 in New Delhi, India into a middle-class family. In New Delhi, Pratik was growing up with his parents and his sister Prerna. His mother’s name is Shailja Sehajpal is a housewife. Since his childhood, Pratik always loves Traveling with his family members. Pratik is very close to his family since his childhood.
Pratik Sehajpal Short Biography

The birth name of this Actor, Model, Fitness Trainer, Athlete, Motivational Speaker is Pratik Sehajpal. The nickname is Ps. According to his birthplace, He is Indian by birth. The name of his hometown is Delhi, India. Hinduism is followed by him. The educational qualification of this person is Law graduate. Check the following table to get more information.
Full Name | Pratik Sehajpal |
Nickname | PS |
Citizenship | Indian |
Religious Belief | Hinduism |
Father Name | Not Found |
Mother Name | Shailja Sehajpal |
Sister Name | Prerna (make-up artist) |
Pratik Sehajpal Age and Birth Info
Are you curious about the Pratik Sehajpal Age? Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town, etc have been focused here. Check the following table, you will be able to know the birth-related information. The birth date is 20 December 1993. Now He is 29 years old as [year]. The location of his birth is Delhi, India.
Birth Date | 20 December 1993 |
Age as [year] | 29 Years |
Birth Location | Delhi, India |
Grow Up at | Delhi, India |
Zodiac | Taurus |
Pratik Sehajpal Height in feet, Weight and Others
The physical structure expresses the beauty of celebrities. Celebrities’ physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We are concern about it. Pratik Sehajpal Height in feet inches- 5’ 9”, in centimeters- 175 cm in meters- 1.75 m. The approximate weight is in kilograms- 72 kg, in pounds- 158 lbs. As the weight changes regularly we put the current value. The eye color is Black. Similarly, the hair color is Black.
Heights | in centimeters- 175 cm in meters- 1.75 m in feet inches- 5’ 9” |
Weight | in kilograms- 72 kg in pounds- 158 lbs |
Figures | – Chest: 41 inches – Waist: 29 inches – Biceps: 16 inches |
Eye Colour | Black |
Hair Color | Black |

Pratik Sehajpal Marital Status and Affairs
What do you think about the marital status of Pratik Sehajpal? If you are interested enough in his personal life, you get all the personal info here. In this below section we have added marital status and affairs, hobbies, and many other things. We have also written about favorite personalities and things like color, food, etc here. Check the below to the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Affair | Pavitra Punia (rumor) |
Hobbies | Gymming and Traveling |
Favorite Persons/things | Salman Khan |
Family | Names Not Known |

There is a rumor that Pratik Sehajpal is in a relationship with Naagin 3 actress Pavitra Punia. This is more likely to be true. Because in a QnA session on social media Pratik was hinted about this relationship. As well as, Pavitra Punia also shared a hand-in-hand picture with Pratik Sehajpal on her Instagram profile.

Educational Qualification
The educational qualification of Pratik Sehajpal has been discussed here. Most people want to know about their favorite person’s educational qualifications. fans like to follow their favorite personages to be inspired by their activities. Below we have provided the details of educational qualifications. It is mentionable that, sometimes it is hard to find reliable information online. In that case, we keep it blanks.
School | Not Found |
Colleges | Amity Law School, Delhi, India |
Educational Level | Law Graduate |
Pratik Sehajpal Career
For the first time, Pratik Sehajpal made his on-screen debut with the famous TV show “MTV Love School Season 3”. In this show, he appeared as a contestant. With tough looks and attitude, Pratik was liked by the audience so much. This year Pratik also give the audition for “MTV Roadies Xtreme” but he failed to impress the judges. Apart from everything, Pratik is a fitness trainer. He works in “GM Nutrition” owned by Guru Mann.
Pratik Sehajpal’s Professional Life
We have added a wide range of information about his professional life. We have added also school name, college name, educational qualifications. His career started as TV: MTV Love School 3 (2018). He mainly earns from his profession e.g. Actor, Model, Fitness Trainer, Athlete, Motivational Speaker.
Profession | Actor, Model, Fitness Trainer, Athlete, Motivational Speaker |
Famous For | Participation in ‘MTV Love School’ Season 3 |
Entrance | TV: MTV Love School 3 (2018) |
Achievements | Doesn’t get any awards yet |

Pratik Sehajpal Net Worth and Earnings
What is the net worth of Pratik Sehajpal? What is the main source of income? It is common that, salary and assets change over time. We have provided the latest information about salary and assets in the table below. Controversies are also added in this section. Pratik Sehajpal’s net worth is ₹350 crore.
Earning | 2-5 Million |
Net Worths | ₹350 crore |
Controversies | Not Found |
Pratik Sehajpal on Social Media
Follow Pratik Sehajpal on socila media from here. In the below section we have added Pratik Sehajpal’s official Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter profile URLs.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pratiksehajpal/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/realsehajpal
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pratiksehajpal
Frequently Ask Questions
What is the profession of Pratik Sehajpal?
He is an actor, model, fitness trainer, athlete, motivational speaker.
What is Pratik Sehajpal’s Height in feet, meters, and centimeters?
Pratik Sehajpal Height in feet inches- 5’ 9”, in centimeters- 175 cm, and in meters- 1.75 m
What is the net worth of Pratik Sehajpal?
The net worth is ₹350 crore.
What is the Zodiac sign of Pratik Sehajpal?
According to the birth date, the Zodiac sign is Taurus.
What are the hobbies of Pratik Sehajpal?
The hobbies are Gymming.
That’s all about Pratik Sehajpal’s age, height, weight, and biography. Hope the above information helps you to know about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, let us know through comments or using our contact section. We are waiting for you.