Are you interested in Juanes? He is one of the most promising Musician and singer-songwriter of this time. In this part we write him biography. If you are curious about Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez, you are in the right place. We have added detail;s of Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez net worth, age, height and other details. Go ahead to check the details.

Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez Biography
Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez is him real name. His nick name is Juanes. His nationality is Colombian by birth. His home town is Carolina Del Prncipe, Colombia. Let scroll the below table.
Full Name/Birth Name | Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez |
Tag Name | Juanes |
Male/Female | Male |
Profession(s) | Musician and singer-songwriter |
Nationality | Colombian |
Birth Location | Carolina del Prncipe, Colombia |
Birthday | 9-Aug-72 |
Age | 50 years old |
Height | 1.8 m |
Height(s) Feet | 5 feet and 10 inches |
Height(s) cm | 180 cm |
Weight | 83 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 182 pounds |
Dating History | To be Updated |
Marital Condition | Married |
Spouse | Karen Martnez(m. 2004) |
Daughter and Son | Yes No(Paloma, Luna, and Dante) |
Salary | Not Known |
Net Worth | $25 million |
Juanes Age and birth place
You must have idea about Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez age! If not, then nothing to worry about this. We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. The birth date is 9-Aug-72. He is now 50 years old. According to our research, He was born in Carolina del Prncipe, Colombia.
Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez Height and Physical Description
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. Idol’s physical state, height, weight even the hairstyle is followed by the fans. We understand your demand. In case of height, Juanes is 1.8 m tall. The weight of this person is 83 kg. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.
Juanes Affairs and Marital Status
What do you think about the marital status of Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. You will be able to know about his favourite things and pernoalities in this part. Let check the table below to know about marital status and other information.

Juanes Net Worth and Salary Information
What is the net worth of Juanes? How much He earns? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. In the below section we have focused on the net worth and salary. We have added controversies in this section. The Net worth of Juanes is $25 million.
Common Question of Juanes
Where is the birthplace of Juanes?
The birthplace of Juanes is Carolina Del Prncipe, Colombia.
What is the profession of Juanes?
He is Musician and singer-songwriter.
What is the Birth day of Juanes?
The date of birth of Juanes is 9-aug-72.
What is the age of Juanes?
The Age of Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez is 50 years old.
What is the height of Juanes?
He is 1.8 m tall.
Here is all about Juan Esteban Aristizbal Vsquez net worth, bio, hight,weight, and other information. Hope the above information helps you to know about him. If you have found anything wrong, you can contact us through our comment form. Your comments are valuable to us.