Are you a follower of Holly Holm? She is one of the most promising American mixed martial artist of this time. We have added the detailed biography of this American mixed martial artist. If you are curious about Holly Rene Holm, you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Holly Rene Holm net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.

Holly Rene Holm Biography
The birth name of this American mixed martial artist is Holly Rene Holm. Her nick name is Holly Holm. Basically She is American. The home town of this person is Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States. To get more information scroll the following table.
Real Name | Holly Rene Holm |
Celebrated Name | Holly Holm |
Male/Female | Female |
Profession(s) | American mixed martial artist |
Citizenship | American |
Birth Location | Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States |
Birthday | 17-Oct-81 |
Age | 41 years old |
Heights | 1.73 m |
Heights in Feet | 5 feet and 8 inches |
Heights in cm | 173 cm |
Weight | 61 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 134 pounds |
Dating History | To be Updated |
Marital Condition | Married |
Spouse | Jeff Kirkpatrick(m. 2012) |
Children | Not Available |
Income | —- |
Net Worths | $5 million |
Holly Holm Age and Birth Info
Are you aware of the Holly Rene Holm age? Please have a look in the below part if you are interested in her birthday and birthplace-related facts. Her birthday is on 17-Oct-81. Now her age is 41 years old. She was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States.
Holly Rene Holm Height, Weight and Other Info
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We know about it. Holly Holm has a height of 1.73 m. The weight of this person is 61 kg. The value of weight can be changed anytime. We try to show the recent one.
Holly Holm Affairs and Marital Status
Is Holly Rene Holm married or single? If you a gossip lover then you will enjoy this part here we have talked about the personal life of Holly Rene Holm. To give idea about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things we decorated this section. In this section we have added all her favourite personalities, things and others related information. Let check the table below to know about marital status and other information.

Holly Holm Net Worth and Earnings
What is the actual net worth of Holly Holm? What about her income? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. In the following section you will get the details information about her salary, net worth and asset. Few controversial facts have also been provided here. Holly Holm’s net worth is $5 million.
Common Question of Holly Holm
What is the net worth of Holly Holm?
The net worth is $5 million.
What is the Birth day of Holly Holm?
The date of birth of Holly Holm is 17-oct-81.
What is the age of Holly Holm?
The Age of Holly Rene Holm is 41 years old.
Is Holly Holm Married?
She is married.
What is the profession of Holly Holm?
She is American mixed martial artist.
That’s all about Holly Rene Holm’s age, height, weight and biography. By all these information you can clearly know about this person. Is all information correct? you can contact with us. Your opinion is valuable to us.