Have you heard the name of Harold Craig Reynolds? She is one of the popular Baseball Player to many of the people. In this part we write her biography. Are you a die heart fan of Harold Craig Reynolds? Do you want to know about her? Here you will get the details of Harold Craig Reynolds net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s move to the next section.
Harold Craig Reynolds Biography

The real name of this Baseball Player is Harold Craig Reynolds. She has also a nick name and it is Unknown. Based on her birthplace, She is American. The home town of this person is Eugene, Oregon, United States. To get more information scroll the following table.
Real Name | Harold Craig Reynolds |
Stage Name | Unknown |
Profession(s) | Baseball Player |
Male/Female | Female |
Religion | Christian |
Birthplace | Eugene, Oregon, United States |
Currently Living in | Not Disclosed |
Birthday | 26-Nov-60 |
Sun Sign | Sagittarius |
Age as in [year] | 61 Years Old |
Cast | White |
Nationality | American |
Body Type | Athletic |
Height | 5 feet 11 inches (180.34 cm) |
Weight | Not available |
Eye | Dark Brown |
Hair Colour | Black |
Educational Qualification | Corvallis High School, Corvallis, Oregon, United States |
Father | John Reynolds |
Mother | Letty Reynolds |
Sibling | Eight |
Marital Status | Married |
In relation with | Kelly Browne |
Favorite | CD |
Earning | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worths | Around $7 million |
Harold Craig Reynolds Age and Other Info
You must have idea about Harold Craig Reynolds age! If not, then nothing to worry about this. Here, you will get all the information about her birthday, birthplace and other related things. You may hear that her birthday is on 26-Nov-60. She is now 61 years old. According to our research, She was born in Eugene, Oregon, United States.
Harold Craig Reynolds Height and Physical Information
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We know about it. She is almost 5 feet 11 inches (180.34 cm). The weight is Not available. We have put the latest value of her weight here though it can change at anytime.
Harold Craig Reynolds Marital Status and boyfriend
Do you know the marital status of Harold Craig Reynolds? If you are interested enough about personal life, you get all the personal info here. To give idea about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things we decorated this section. Here we will share some informations about her favorite things and personalities. Her marital status is married
Harold Craig Reynolds Net Worth and Salary Information

What is the actual net worth of Harold Craig Reynolds? Do you know how much She earn every month or her salary? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. In this section you are going to read all the controvercies of her. Harold Craig Reynolds’s net worth is Around $7 million.
These are the information you might be looking for the weight, height, age and bio of Harold Craig Reynolds. We believe that this information will help you to know about her. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, you can contact us through our comment form. Your comments are valuable to us.