Are you a follower of David E Kelley? He is one of the most promising Writer, Lawyer, Television Producer, Film Producer, Screenwriter of this time. We write every detail about this Writer, Lawyer, Television Producer, Film Producer, Screenwriter. If you are curious about David Edward Kelley, you are in the right place. Scroll down the below section, you will get David Edward Kelley age, net worth, height, affairs, education and many more. Go ahead to check the details.

David Edward Kelley Wiki
The full name of this Writer, Lawyer, Television Producer, Film Producer, Screenwriter is David Edward Kelley. His nick name is David E Kelley. He has American citizenship. The name of his home town is Waterville, Maine, United States Of America. Let scroll the below table.
Birth Name | David Edward Kelley |
Mononym (Nick Name) | David E Kelley |
Gender | Male |
Main Profession | Writer, Lawyer, Television Producer, Film Producer, Screenwriter |
Nationality | American |
Birthplace | Waterville, Maine, United States of America |
Birthday | 4-Apr-56 |
Age as in [year] | 66 years old |
Height | 1.80 m |
Height(s) Feet | 5 feet and 10 inches |
Heights in cm | 180 cm |
Weight(s) | 75 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 165 pounds |
Dates with | To be Updated |
Marital Condition | Married |
Spouse | Michelle Pfeiffer |
Son/Daughter | Yes (Claudia Rose, John Henry) |
Income | Not Known |
Net Worth | $300 million |
How old is David E Kelley?
Do you have any idea about David Edward Kelley age? You can find it here if you don’t know about him birthday or birthplace and other facts related to this. You may hear that his birthday is on 4-Apr-56. Him current age is 66 years old. The location of his birth is Waterville, Maine, United States of America.
David E Kelley Height and Physical Description
Some of the fans love to know about the physical status of their favorite celebrities. We love to follow and immitate our celebrities height, weight, hair style, eye color, attire and almost everything. We are concern about it. David E Kelley has a height of 1.80 m. The weight of this person is 75 kg. The Weight varies from time to time, here you get the latest weight.
David E Kelley Marital Status and girlfriend
What do you think about the marital status of David Edward Kelley? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. we are going to provide few vital informations like affairs, mariatal status, spous, hobbies and others within a table here. In this section we have added all his favourite personalities, things and others related information. Check the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.

David E Kelley Net Worth and Salary
Do you know about David E Kelley’s net worth? How much is his salary? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. To know more specific about his net worth and salary follow the table. Controversies are also added in this section. The total net worth of David E Kelley is $300 million.
What is the net worth of David E Kelley?
The net worth is $300 million.
Where is the birthplace of David E Kelley?
The birthplace of David E Kelley is Waterville, Maine, United States Of America.
What is the profession of David E Kelley?
He is Writer, lawyer, television producer, film producer, screenwriter.
Is David E Kelley Married?
He is married.
What is the height of David E Kelley?
He is 1.80 m tall.
That’s all about David Edward Kelley’s height, age, weight and biography. Having a clear idea about this celebrety all these information will help you. Is all information correct? feel free to contact us. Your comments are valuable to us.