Are you interested to know Daichi Kamada? He is one of the popular Professional Football Player to many people. We write every details about this Professional Football Player. If you are curious about Daichi Kamada, you are in the right place. In the below section you will get the details of Daichi Kamada’s net worth, height, age, affairs and much more information. Let’s forward to the next section.
Daichi Kamada Biography

The real name of this Professional Football Player is Daichi Kamada. He also known as Dbasia. He has Japanese citizenship. His home town is Ehime, Japan. To get more information scroll the following table.
Real Name | Daichi Kamada |
Mononym (Nick Name) | DBasia |
Profession | Professional Football Player |
Gender | Male |
Religious Belief | Not Available |
Born In | Ehime, Japan |
Living in | Not Disclosed |
Birth Date | 5th August 1996 |
Star Sign | Leo |
Age as in [year] | 25 Years Old |
Ethnicity | Unknown |
Nationality | Japanese |
Body Type | Athletic |
Heights | 511 (1.80m) |
Weight(s) | Not Available |
Eye Color | Black |
Hair Colour | Black |
Educational Status | Higashiyama Junior High School |
Father’s name | Fukushige Kamada |
Mother’s name | Not Available |
Brother-Sister | Daime Kamada |
Marital Condition | Married |
In relation with | Not Disclosed |
Favorite | Saeed Blacknall Football Card, RC Rookie Los Angeles Wildcats Football Trading Card |
Income | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worth | 16 million |
Dbasia Age and Other Info
Are you aware of the Daichi Kamada age? You can find it here if you don’t know about his birthday or birthplace and other facts related to this. His birthday is on 5th August 1996. Presently, He is 25 years old. The location of his birth is Ehime, Japan.
Daichi Kamada Height, Weight and Physical Details
Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and fitness. Fan followers are always having craze on physical sturucture like hight, weight, eye colors, body shape and so on. We understand your demand. He is almost 511 (1.80m). The weight is Not Available. The value of weight can be changed anytime. We try to show the recent one.
Daichi Kamada girlfriend and Marital Status
Do you know with whom He engaged now? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. In the table above, we have written his marital status, spous, current affairs, hobbies and much more personal informations in short. We have also added the favorite personalities and things in the section. His marital status is married
Daichi Kamada Net Worth and Earnings

Do you know about Daichi Kamada’s net worth? What is his salary? Though it is impossible to get the exact information about salary and assets. We also add the controversies in this section. Daichi Kamada’s net worth is 16 million.
That’s all about Daichi Kamada’s age, height, weight and biography. Having a clear idea about this celebrety all these information will help you. Do you find anythig wrong in all of these? inform us through comment or use our contact detailsWe are looking forward to hearing from you.