Are you interested in Claire Elizabeth Cottrill? She is one of the most promising Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Keyboard Player of this time. Here we have covered her biography. If you are curious about Claire Elizabeth Cottrill, you are in the right place. Here we discussed about Claire Elizabeth Cottrill net worth, age, height and other details. Let’s Check.

Claire Elizabeth Cottrill Biography
The birth name of this Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Keyboard Player is Claire Elizabeth Cottrill. People and her relatives often call him Clairo. According to her birthplace, She is American by birth. Her home town is Atlanta, Georgia, United States. To get more information scroll the following table.
Full Name | Claire Elizabeth Cottrill |
By Name | Clairo |
Male/Female | Female |
Main Profession | Singer-songwriter, Guitarist, Keyboard Player |
Nationality | American |
Born In | Atlanta, Georgia, United States |
Birth Day | 18-Aug-98 |
Age | 24 years old |
Zodiac | Leo |
Religious Belief | Christian |
Eye | Blue |
Hair Colour | Brown / Blonde |
Heights | In Centimetres 160.2 cm In Feet and Inches 53 |
Weight(s) | In kilograms 53 kg In Pounds 116.845 lbs |
School | Concord- Carlisle High School |
College | Syracuse University |
Parents | Father Geoff Cottrill Mother N/A |
Brother-Sister | Will be Updated |
Marital Status | Single |
Affairs | No data found |
Spouse | Not Available |
Kids | Not Available |
Net Worth | $200 Thousand |
Claire Elizabeth Cottrill Age and Other Info
Do you know how old is Claire Elizabeth Cottrill? Here, you will get all the information about her birthday, birthplace and other related things. You may hear that her birthday is on 18-Aug-98. Now Claire Elizabeth Cottrill is 24 years old. According to our research, She was born in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.
- Home Town : Atlanta, Georgia, United States
- Birthday : 18-Aug-98
- Age : 24 years old
- Star Sign : Leo
Claire Elizabeth Cottrill Height, Weight and Other Information
Many of the followers always try to learn about the physic of their favorite celebrities. Idol’s physical state, height, weight even the hairstyle is followed by the fans. We understand your demand. She is almost In Centimetres 160.2 cm, In Feet and Inches 53. The weight of this person is In kilograms 53 kg, In Pounds 116.845 lbs. As the weight changes regularly we put the current value.
- Height : In Centimetres 160.2 cm, In Feet and Inches 53
- Weight(s) : In kilograms 53 kg, In Pounds 116.845 lbs
- Eye Colours : Blue
- Hair Color : Brown / Blonde
Claire Elizabeth Cottrill Personal Life and boyfriend
Do you know with whom She engaged now? If you are interested enough about personal life, you get all the personal info here. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. Lets discuss about her favourite stuffs like color, food, sports, places and personalities as well. Her marital status is single
- Father & Mother : Father Geoff Cottrill
Mother N/A - Brother-Sister : Will be Updated
- School Name : Concord- Carlisle High School
- College : Syracuse University
- Affairs : No data found
- Marital Condition : Single
- Spouse : Not Available
- Kids : Not Available

Claire Elizabeth Cottrill Net Worth and Salaries
Do you want to know about the net worth of Claire Elizabeth Cottrill? What about her income? It is common that, salary and asset change over time. Some controversies about her are found which is also added below. The Net worth of Claire Elizabeth Cottrill is $200 Thousand.
That’s all about Claire Elizabeth Cottrill’s height, age, weight and biography. Hope the above information helps you to know about her. Is all information correct? you can contact with us. Your comments are valuable to us.