Are you interested to know Christine Baranski? She is one of the most popular Actress, Singer, Producer of her time. In this part we write her biography. If you are curious about Christine Jane Baranski, you are in the right place. In the below section you will get the details of Christine Jane Baranski’s height, age, affairs, net worth, and much more information. Go ahead to check the details.

Christine Jane Baranski Biography
Christine Jane Baranski is her real name. Her nick name is Christine Baranski. Her nationality is American by birth. Her home town is Buffalo, New York, U.S.. Let scroll the below table.
Full Name | Christine Jane Baranski |
Celebrated Name | Christine Baranski |
Gender | Female |
Main Profession | Actress, Singer, Producer |
Citizenship | American |
Born In | Buffalo, New York, U.S. |
Birthday | 2-May-52 |
Age | 70 years old |
Height | 1.77 m |
Heights in Feet | 5 feet and 9 inches |
Height(s) cm | 177 cm |
Weight(s) | 79 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 174 pounds |
Dating History | To be Updated |
Marital Status | Married |
Spouse | Matthew Cowles(m. 1983; died 2014) |
Children | Yes (Isabel, Lily) |
Earning | Not Known |
Net Worths | $15 million |
Christine Baranski Age and birth place
Do you have an interest in the Christine Jane Baranski age? In the below, you will get all the information about her birthday, birthplace and other related things. Her birthday is on 2-May-52. The current age is 70 years old. By born She is from Buffalo, New York, U.S..
Christine Jane Baranski Height, Weight and Other Information
Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and fitness. Fan followers are always having craze on physical sturucture like hight, weight, eye colors, body shape and so on. We are aware of it. Her height is 1.77 m. The weight is 79 kg. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.
Christine Baranski boyfriend and Marital Status
Do you know is Christine Jane Baranski married or single or dating someone? If you want to know about personal life this section is for you. In the table you will get the information about the affair, marital status, hobbies and others. This part is about her favourite things like favourite personality, activity and so on. You can check the table to know about marital status and other information.

Christine Baranski Net Worth and Salary Information
What is the actual net worth of Christine Baranski? How much She earns? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. In the below section we have focused on the net worth and salary. Few controversial facts have also been provided here. Christine Baranski’s net worth is $15 million.
Frequently Ask Questions
Where is the birthplace of Christine Baranski?
The birthplace of Christine Baranski is Buffalo, New York, U.S..
What is the height of Christine Baranski?
She is 1.77 m tall.
Is Christine Baranski Married?
She is married.
What is the net worth of Christine Baranski?
The net worth is $15 million.
What is the profession of Christine Baranski?
She is Actress, singer, producer.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Christine Jane Baranski net worth, height, weight and bio. Having a clear idea about this celebrety all these information will help you. There may have some wrong information, if you find anything like that feel free to contact us. Your opinion is valuable to us.