Are you a follower of Andrei Viktorovich Markov? He is one of the most promising Ice Hockey Player of this time. We have added the detailed biography of this Ice Hockey Player. If you are curious about Andrei Viktorovich Markov, you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Andrei Viktorovich Markov net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s Check.
Andrei Viktorovich Markov Wiki

Andrei Viktorovich Markov is his real name. People and his relatives often call him Andrei. His nationality is Russia/Canada by birth. His home town is Voskresensk, Moscow, Oblast, Russia. In the following table you will get more information.
Original name | Andrei Viktorovich Markov |
Tag Name | Andrei |
Profession | Ice Hockey Player |
Male/Female | Male |
Religion | Christian |
Home Town | Voskresensk, Moscow, Oblast, Russia |
Currently Living in | Montreal, Canada |
Birth Day | 20-Dec-78 |
Star Sign | Libra |
Age as in [year] | 43 Years Old |
Tribe | White |
Citizenship | Russia/Canada |
Body Type | Athletic |
Heights | 6 feet (182 cm) |
Weight(s) | 92 kg (203 lb) |
Eye Color | Brown |
Hair | Blonde |
Education | Church Seminary |
Father | Andrei Grigorievih Markov |
Mother | Nadezhda Petrovna |
Brother-Sister | 1 (Mark Markov) |
Marital Status | Married |
In relation with | Natalia Streckova (divorced), Sonya Sonekha (current) |
Hobby | Signed Montreal Canadiens Puck, NHL Trading Card |
Earning | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worth | $35 million |
How old is Andrei?
Do you know how old is Andrei Viktorovich Markov? We have portrayed his birthday, birthplace and other related stuffs here. The birth date is 20-Dec-78. His current age is 43 years old. The location of his birth is Voskresensk, Moscow, Oblast, Russia.
Andrei Viktorovich Markov Height and Physical Description
We have noticed that people are always ineterested to know about the physical structure’s information of their favorite personalities. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We understand your demand. In case of height, Andrei is 6 feet (182 cm) tall. The approximate weight is 92 kg (203 lb). The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.
Andrei Viktorovich Markov Affairs and Marital Status
What do you think about the marital status of Andrei Viktorovich Markov? Some of his personal life informations have been portrayed here to thirst your quest. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. This part is about his favourite things like favourite personality, activity and so on. According to our research and data his is married
Andrei Viktorovich Markov Net Worth and Earnings

Do you know about Andrei Viktorovich Markov’s net worth? What is his salary? It is common that, salary and asset change over time. Controversies are also added in this section. The total net worth of Andrei Viktorovich Markov is $35 million.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Andrei Viktorovich Markov net worth, height, weight and bio. Hope the above information helps you to know about him. If there are any wrong information. you can share your opinion through the comments form. We are awaiting your opinion.