Are you a follower of Robert Garrison? He is popular enough for the youth at this time. We write every detail about this TV and Film Actor. If you are curious about Robert Garrison, you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Robert Garrison net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s Check.
Robert Garrison Short Bio

The birth name of this TV and Film Actor is Robert Garrison. The tag name is Robert. his nationality is American by birth. The name of his home town is Will Be Updated Soon. He believes in Not known. The educational qualification of this person is Cleared his formal school and college education. Check the following table to get more information.
Real Name/Birth Name | Robert Garrison |
Known as | Robert |
Gender | Male |
Citizenship | American |
Caste | White Caucasian |
Religion | Not Known |
How old is Robert Garrison?
Do you have an interest in the Robert Garrison Age? Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town etc have been focused here. From the below table you will get the different birth-related information. You may hear that his birthday is on 1960. He is now 60 years old. The location of his birth is USA.
Birth Date | 1960 |
Age | 60 years |
Birthplace | USA |
Grow Up at | Will be updated Soon |
Zodiac Sign | NA |
Robert Garrison Height, Weight and Physical Info
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. Idol’s physical state, height, weight even the hairstyle is followed by the fans. We understand your demand. The height of Robert Garrison is 176 cm. The weight is 73 Kg. The Weight varies from time to time, here you get the latest weight. The hair color is White and the eye color is Dark Brown.
Heights | 176 cm |
Heights in Feet | 5 Feet 9 Inches |
Heights in meter | 1.76 meter |
Weight | 73 Kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 160 lbs |
Figure | 43-32-36 |
Size of Chest | 43 inch |
Waist | 32 Inches |
Hip Size in inch | 36 inch |
Biceps Size | 15 Inches |
Eye Colour | Dark Brown |
Hair Color | White |
Robert Garrison girlfriend and Marital Status
Do you know the marital status of Robert Garrison? If you want to know about personal life this section is for you. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. We have tried to cover their favorite things and personalities here. You can check the following table to know about marital status and other information.
Marital Status | Married |
Dating History | Not Known |
Girl Friend | Will be Updated Soon |
Wife | Will be Updated |
Hobbies | Reading Books |
Father | Father Name: Not Known |
Mother | Mother Name: Not Known |
Brother Name | Will Be Updated Soon |
Sister | Will be Updated Soon |
Famous Relatives | Not Known, Will be updated Soon |
Daughter and Son | Two Children |

Robert Garrison Educational Qualifications
Here you will get the educational qualifications of Robert Garrison. Most of the people want to know about their favorite person’s educational qualifications. Some of the fans love to follow their favorite celebrity and get inspired by their activities and education. Educational qualifications have been described here. It is mentionable that, sometimes it is hard to find reliable information online. For that situation, we review that information regularly.
School Names | Home Schooled |
College Name | Will be updated soon |
Level of Education | Cleared his formal school and college education |
Professional Life
In the below section we have added the details about his professional life. We have added also school name, college name, educational qualifications. The main profession is TV and Film Actor.
Distinguished For | He died on September 27, 2019 due to liver and kidney disease |
Profession(s) | TV and Film Actor |
Tattoo Presence | Under Review |
Hobbies | Reading Books |
Favorite Celebrities | Actor: Bad Pitt. Actress: Jennifer Lawrence |
Robert Garrison Net Worth and Salaries
Do you know about Robert Garrison’s net worth? What about his income? It is mentionable that net worth and salary change over time. In the below section we have focused on the net worth and salary. We have added controversies in this section. Robert Garrison’s net worth is $500K US Dollars.
Earning | Will be Updated Soon |
Net Worth | $500K US Dollars |
Favourite Color | Black |
Favourite Dishes | Vegetarian Food |
Favourite Place | London |
Common Question of Robert Garrison
Where is the birthplace of Robert Garrison?
The birthplace of Robert Garrison is Usa.
What is the profession of Robert Garrison?
He is Tv and film actor.
What is the religious belief of Robert Garrison?
He believes in Not known.
What is the educational qualification of Robert Garrison?
His educational qualification is Cleared his formal school and college education.
What is the Zodiac sign of Robert Garrison?
According to the birth date, the Zodiac sign is Na.
That’s all about Robert Garrison’s height, age, weight and biography. We believe that this information will help you to know about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, let us know through comments or using our contact section. We are awaiting your opinion.