Norah ODonnell Age, Net worth, Bio-Wiki, Wife, Kids, Weight

Norah ODonnell net worth

Are you interested in Norah Od// She is one of the youngest celebrities to many people. You will get the full biography of Norah Odonnell here. Are you a die heart fan of Norah Morahan Odonnell? Do you want to know about her? We have added detail;s of Norah Morahan Odonnell net worth, age, height and other details. Let’s forward to the next section.

Norah ODonnell net worth
Norah ODonnell net worth

Norah Morahan Odonnell Biography

The full name of this Journalist is Norah Morahan Odonnell. The nickname is Norah Odonnell. Based on her birthplace, She is American. The name of her home town is Washington,United States. Let check the below section to get more information.

Full Name/Birth NameNorah Morahan ODonnell
Mononym (Nick Name)Norah ODonnell
Main ProfessionJournalist
BirthplaceWashington, United States
BirthdayJanuary 23, 1974
Age48 years old
Height1.70 m
Heights in Feet5 feet and 6 inches
Heights in cm170 cm
Weight58 kg
Weight(s) in pound127 pounds
Dating HistoryTo be Updated
Marital ConditionMarried
SpouseGeoff Tracy (m. 2001)
ChildrenYes Riley Norah Tracy,Grace Tracy,Henry Tracy)
EarningNot Known
Net Worths$20 Million

Norah Odonnell Age and Other Info

Do you have an interest in the Norah Morahan Odonnell age? In this section we have focused on birth related information like Birthdate, Birth place, Hometown, Current place, etc. Her birthday is on January 23,1974. The current age is 48 years old. She was born in Washington,United States.

Norah Odonnell Height, Weight and Other Info

Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and fitness. Following favorite celebrities physic and style is a great hobby for many of us. We are concern about it. Norah Odonnell has a height of 1.70 m. The weight is 58 kg. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.

Norah Odonnell Affairs and Marital Status

Do you know the marital status of Norah Morahan ODonnell? Some of her personal life informations have been portrayed here to thirst your quest. To give idea about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things we decorated this section. This part is about her favourite things like favourite personality, activity and so on. Let check the table below to know about marital status and other information.

Norah ODonnell height
Norah ODonnell height

Norah Odonnell Net Worth and Earnings

What is the net worth of Norah Odonnell? How much is her salary? It is mentionable that net worth and salary change over time. In the below table, you will get the latest info about salary and assets. We also add the controversies in this section. The Net worth of Norah Odonnell is $20 Million.


  1. What is the Birth day of Norah Odonnell?

    The date of birth of Norah Odonnell is January 23, 1974.

  2. Is Norah ODonnell Married?

    She is married.

  3. What is the age of Norah Odonnell?

    The Age of Norah Morahan Odonnell is 48 years old.

  4. What is the net worth of Norah Odonnell?

    The net worth is $20 Million.

  5. What is the profession of Norah Odonnell?

    She is Journalist.

These are the information you might be looking for the weight, height, age and bio of Norah Morahan Odonnell. Hope the above information helps you to know about her. If there are any wrong information. you can contact us through our comment form. Your opinion is valuable to us.