Are you interested in Naresh Agarwal? He is one of the popular Politician to many of the people. We write every detail about this Politician. If you are curious about Naresh Agarwal, you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Naresh Agarwal net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.
Naresh Agarwal Short Biography

The full name of this Politician is Naresh Agarwal. People and his relatives often call him Nares. According to his birthplace, He is Indian by birth. The home town of this person is Hardoi District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Hinduism is followed by him. His educational qualification is Not applicable . Let check the below section to get more information.
Full Name/Birth Name | Naresh Agarwal |
Familiar name | Nares |
Nationality | Indian |
Religion | Hinduism |
Naresh Agarwal Age and Other Info
Do you have an interest in the Naresh Agarwal Age? Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town etc have been focused here. Check the following table, you will be able to know the birth-related information. The birth date is 1 October 1951. The current age is 72 years. The location of his birth is Hardoi district, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Date of Birth | 1 October 1951 |
Age | 72 Years |
Birthplace | Hardoi district, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Home Town | Hardoi district, Uttar Pradesh, India |
Sign of the Zodiac | Libra |
Naresh Agarwal Height, Weight and Other Information
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. The beauty of physical stats, their height, weight, eye color has always followed the others. We are aware of it. Naresh Agarwalheight is in centimeters- 185 cm in meters- 1.85 m in feet inches- 6’ 1”. The weight is in kilograms-55 kg
in pounds-121 lbs. As the weight changes regularly we put the current value. The eye color is Black. Similarly, the hair color is Salt and Pepper.
Height | in centimeters- 185 cm in meters- 1.85 m in feet inches- 6’ 1” |
Weight | in kilograms-55 kg in pounds-121 lbs |
Figure | – Chest: 37 Inches – Waist: 30 Inches – Biceps: 13 Inches |
Eye Color | Black |
Hair Colors | Salt and Pepper |
Naresh Agarwal Marital Status and Affairs
What is the marital status of Naresh Agarwal? If you are interested enough about personal life, you get all the personal info here. In the below table you will get the information about the affair, marital status, hobbies and others. We have also added the favorite personalities and things in the section. Check the below to the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.
Marital Status | Married |
Affair(s) | Not Known |
Interest | Playing Cricket and Hockey |
Favorite Persons/things | Actress, Fashion Designer |
Family Members | Father- S. C. Agarwal Mother- Shanti Agarwal |
Naresh Agarwal Educational Backgrounds
Here are the educational qualifications of Naresh Agarwal. Some of the followers are interested in educational qualifications. Some of the fans love to follow their favorite celebrity and get inspired by their activities and education. The below table is about educational qualifications. Sometimes, it is not possible to find the exact information. In no data we found, we try to keep a close look at this.
School Names | Not Known |
College/University | University of Lucknow |
Educational Qualification | Not Applicable |
Professional Life and Controversies
Here we have gathered information about his professional life. You will also get a school name, college name, educational qualifications, and other related information here. His career started as Not Found . He mainly earns from his profession e.g. Politician.
Profession(s) | Politician |
Known as | Politician |
Entrance | Not Found |
Achievements | No Award Found |

Naresh Agarwal Net Worth and Earnings
Do you know about Naresh Agarwal’s net worth? What is his salary? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. In the below table, you will get the latest info about salary and assets. We have added controversies in this section. Naresh Agarwal’s net worth is ₹3 Crore.
Salary | 3-5 Million |
Net Worths | ₹3 Crore |
Controversies | Not Applicable |
What is the height of Naresh Agarwal?
In centimeters- 185 cm
in meters- 1.85 m
in feet inches- 6’ 1”Is Naresh Agarwal Married?
He is married.
What is the Zodiac sign of Naresh Agarwal?
According to the birth date, the Zodiac sign is Libra.
What is the educational qualification of Naresh Agarwal?
His educational qualification is Not applicable .
What is the age of Naresh Agarwal?
The Age of Naresh Agarwal is 72 Years.
That’s all about Naresh Agarwal’s age, height, weight and biography. We hope this information will provide clear concepts about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, you can contact us through our comment form. We are looking forward to hearing from you.