Are you interested in Jayo Sama? He is one of the popular Rapper to many of the people. We have covered the details of this Rapper. If you want to know more about Jayo Sama, we have some good news for you. We have added detail;s of Jayo Sama net worth, age, height and other details. Let’s Check.
Jayo Sama Short Wiki
![Jayo Sama Image](
The real name of this Rapper is Jayo Sama. The tag name is Jayo. his nationality is American by birth. his home town is West Palm Beach (Florida, Usa). He follows Christianity. His educational qualification is High school dropout. Check the following table to get more information.
Real Name | Jayo Sama |
Known as | Jayo |
Gender | Male |
Nationality | American |
Caste | Haitian |
Religion | Christianity |
Jayo Sama Age and birth place
Do you have an interest in the Jayo Sama Age? Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town etc have been focused here. From the below table you will get the different birth-related information. Based on our research the birthday is on 1-Nov-96. Now He is 22 years old. He was born in West Palm Beach (Florida, USA).
Birth Date | 1-Nov-96 |
Age as in [year] | 22 years |
Birthplace | West Palm Beach (Florida, USA) |
Grow Up at | West Palm Beach (Florida, USA) |
Zodiac | Scorpio |
Jayo Sama Height, Weight and Physical Info
Some of the fans love to know about the physical status of their favorite celebrities. Celebrities physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We understand your demand. Jayo Samaheight is 176 cm. The weight is 70 Kg. The Weight varies from time to time, here you get the latest weight. The eye color is Brown. Similarly, the hair color is Black.
Height | 176 cm |
Height(s) Feet | 5 Feet 9 Inches |
Height(s) meter | 1.76 meter |
Weight | 70 Kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 154 lbs |
Figures | 39-30-33 |
Chest Size | 39 inch |
Waist Size | 30 Inches |
Hip Size | 33 inch |
Biceps Size | 10 Inches |
Eye Color | Brown |
Hair Colors | Black |
Jayo Sama Marital Status and Affairs
Do you know the marital status of Jayo Sama? If you are interested enough about personal life, you get all the personal info here. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. We have also written about favorite personalities and things like color, food etc here. Check the below to the table to know about your favorite person’s marital life.
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Dating History | Will Update Soon |
Affair(s) | Sofia Veronica |
Wife | None |
Interest | Playing Basketball & Travelling |
Father | Father Name: Not Known |
Mother Name | Mother Name: Not Known |
Brother | Rip TJ |
Sister Name | Ermika Joseph |
Famous Relatives | Not Known, Will be updated Soon |
Daughter and Son | Not Known |
![Jayo Sama Pic](
Educational Backgrounds
In the below section, we have discussed the educational qualification of Jayo Sama. Most of the people want to know about their favorite person’s educational qualifications. Some fans like to follow their admirable celebrities to know about their activities, education and so on. The below table is about educational qualifications. We always depend on a reliable source, but it is tough to find. In no data we found, we try to keep a close look at this.
Schools | High School in Florida |
University Name | Not Known |
Educational Qualification | High School Dropout |
Jayo Sama’s Professional Life and Controversy
Here we have gathered information about his professional life. Here we also provide the school name, college name, educational qualifications and many others. Though He has much other lesser focus profession. The focus point is Rapper.
Known as | Murdered by gun shot on January 27 in West Palm Beach |
Profession | Rapper |
Tattoos | He has inked tattoos on his hands and head |
Hobbies | Playing Basketball & Travelling |
Favorite Celebrities | Actor: Will Smith.Actress: Lucy Liu |
Jayo Sama Net Worth and Salary
Do you curious about the net worth of Jayo Sama? How much He earns? We all know that A person’s salary and assets change from time to time. We have provided the latest information about salary and assets in the table below. Controversies are also added in this section. Jayo Sama’s net worth is $300,000 US dollars (As of 2019).
Income | Under review |
Net Worths | $300,000 US dollars (As of 2019) |
Favourite Color | Black |
Favorite Food | Sea Food |
Holiday Destination | London |
Frequently Ask Questions
Where is the birthplace of Jayo Sama?
The birthplace of Jayo Sama is West Palm Beach (Florida, Usa).
What is the height of Jayo Sama?
176 cm
Is Jayo Sama Married?
He is unmarried.
What is the net worth of Jayo Sama?
The net worth is $300,000 US dollars (As of 2019).
What is the educational qualification of Jayo Sama?
His educational qualification is High school dropout.
That’s all about Jayo Sama’s height, age, weight and biography. We believe that this information will help you to know about him. If you have found anything wrong, let us know through comments or using our contact section. Your comments are valuable to us.