Are you a follower of Giselle Ramirez? He is an emerging Realtor; Model (Former) at present. We have covered the details of this Realtor; Model (Former). If you want to know more about Giselle Ramirez, we have some good news for you. Here you will get the details of Giselle Ramirez net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s move to the next section.
Giselle Ramirez Biography

The real name of this Realtor; Model (Former) is Giselle Ramirez. The nickname is Giselle. His nationality is American by birth. The home town of this person is El Salvador, Central America. Check the following table to get more information.
Full Name/Real Name | Giselle Ramirez |
Nick Name | Giselle |
Main Profession | Realtor; Model (Former) |
Gender | Male |
Religion | Undefined |
Home Town | El Salvador, Central America |
Living in | Not Disclosed |
Birthday | Somewhere between 1988 to 1992 |
Zodiac | Unknown |
Age as in [year] | Around 28 to 30 Years Old |
Tribe | Latin |
Citizenship | American |
Body Type | Bulky |
Height | About 58 (1.76 m) |
Weight | Unavailable |
Eye Color | Brown |
Hair Color | Black |
Education | University of Southern California |
Father | Not disclosed |
Mother’s name | Not disclosed |
Brother-Sister | None |
Marital Status | Yes |
Spouse | JaVale McGee |
Hobby | Basketball Card, Signed 1990 Trading Card |
Earning | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worth | Around $500,000 |
Giselle Ramirez Age and birth place
Do you know what is the age of Giselle Ramirez? Here, you will get all the information about his birthday, birthplace and other related things. His birthday is on Somewhere between 1988 to 1992. Presently, He is around 28 to 30 years old. According to our research, He was born in El Salvador, Central America.
Giselle Ramirez Height, Weight and Physical Info
We have noticed that people are always ineterested to know about the physical structure’s information of their favorite personalities. Following favorite celebrities physic and style is a great hobby for many of us. We can feel about it. Giselle height is About 58 (1.76 m). The approximate weight is Unavailable. As the weight changes regularly we put the current value.
Giselle Ramirez Marital Status and girlfriend
Do you know the marital status of Giselle Ramirez? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. To give idea about his marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things we decorated this section. In this section we have added all his favourite personalities, things and others related information. As far we have known, his is yes
Giselle Ramirez Net Worth and Salary

What is the actual net worth of Giselle Ramirez? How much is his salary? It is mentionable that net worth and salary changes over time. We also add the controversies in this section. Giselle Ramirez’s net worth is Around $500,000.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Giselle Ramirez net worth, height, weight and bio. We hope this information will provide clear concepts about him. If you have found anything wrong, inform us through comment or use our contact detailsYour comments are valuable to us.