Are you interested in Florentino Prez Rodrguez? He is one of the popular Businessman, Civil Engineer, Former Politician, and Football Club President. to many of the people. You will get the full biography of Florentino Prez Rodrguez here. If you want to know more about Florentino Prez Rodrguez, we have some good news for you. We have added detail;s of Florentino Prez Rodrguez net worth, age, height and other details. Let’s Check.

Florentino Prez Rodrguez Biography
Florentino Prez Rodrguez is his real name. People and his relatives often call him Florentino Prez. According to his birthplace, He is Spanish by birth. The home town of this person is Hortaleza, Madrid, Spain. In the below section you will more & more information.
Birth Name | Florentino Prez Rodrguez |
Mononym (Nick Name) | Florentino Prez |
Gender | Male |
Main Profession | Businessman, Civil Engineer, Former Politician, and Football Club President. |
Citizenship | Spanish |
Birthplace | Hortaleza, Madrid, Spain |
Birth Day | 8-Mar-47 |
Age | 75 years old |
Star Sign | Pisces |
Religion | |
Eye Colours | Brown |
Hair Color | Grey |
Height | In Centimetres 165 cm In Feet and Inches 5 5 |
Weight(s) | In Kilograms 76 Kg In Pounds 168 lbs |
School Name | |
College Name | Polytechnic University of Madrid |
Parents | Father Eduardo Prez del Barrio Mother Soledad Rodrguez Prez |
Sibling | Ignacio Prez Rodrguez, Enrique Prez Rodrguez, and Mara Soledad Prez Rodrguez. |
Marital Status | Married |
Boy Friend/Girl Friend | No data found |
In relation with | Maria Angeles Sandoval Montero (m, 1970; her death, 2012) |
Children | Eduardo Prez Sandoval, Florentino Prez Sandoval, and Mara ngeles Prez Sandoval. |
Net Worth | $2.5 Billion |
How old is Florentino Prez?
Do you know how old is Florentino Prez Rodrguez? You can find it here if you don’t know about his birthday or birthplace and other facts related to this. You may hear that his birthday is on 8-Mar-47. Florentino Prez Rodrguez is now 75 years old. According to our research, He was born in Hortaleza, Madrid, Spain.
- Birth Location : Hortaleza, Madrid, Spain
- Birth Day : 8-Mar-47
- Age as in [year] : 75 years old
- Zodiac : Pisces
Florentino Prez Rodrguez Height, Weight and Physical Info
We have noticed that people are always ineterested to know about the physical structure’s information of their favorite personalities. Idol’s physical state, height, weight even the hairstyle is followed by the fans. We also know this fact. The height of Florentino Prez is In Centimetres 165 cm, In Feet and Inches 5 5. He weight is approximately In Kilograms 76 Kg, In Pounds 168 lbs. We have put the latest value of his weight here though it can change at anytime.
- Heights : In Centimetres 165 cm, In Feet and Inches 5 5
- Weight(s) : In Kilograms 76 Kg, In Pounds 168 lbs
- Eye Color : Brown
- Hair : Grey
Florentino Prez Rodrguez Personal Life and girlfriend
Do you have any interest about Florentino Prez Rodrguez’s marital life? If you a gossip lover then you will enjoy this part here we have talked about the personal life of Florentino Prez Rodrguez. Marital status, affairs, hobbies and other information has been added here. We have also written about favorite personalities and things like color, food etc here. His marital status is married
- Father & Mother : Father Eduardo Prez del Barrio
Mother Soledad Rodrguez Prez - Brother-Sister : Ignacio Prez Rodrguez, Enrique Prez Rodrguez, and Mara Soledad Prez Rodrguez.
- School :
- School Name :
- College Name : Polytechnic University of Madrid
- Boy Friend/Girl Friend : No data found
- Marital Status : Married
- Spouse : Maria Angeles Sandoval Montero (m, 1970; her death, 2012)
- Children : Eduardo Prez Sandoval, Florentino Prez Sandoval, and Mara ngeles Prez Sandoval.

Florentino Prez Rodrguez Net Worth and Salary Information
What is the actual net worth of Florentino Prez Rodrguez? Do you know how much He earn every month or his salary? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. We have added controversies in this section. The total net worth of Florentino Prez Rodrguez is $2.5 Billion.
This is all about Florentino Prez Rodrguez’s net worth, bio, height, weight, and other information. By all these information you can clearly know about this person. If there are any wrong information. feel free to contact us. Your opinion is valuable to us.