Are you a follower of Dinara Mubinovna Safina? She is one of the most popular Retired Tennis Player of her time. We write every details about this Retired Tennis Player. Are you a die heart fan of Dinara Mubinovna Safina? Do you want to know about her? Here you will get the details of Dinara Mubinovna Safina net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Let’s move to the next section.
Dinara Mubinovna Safina Biography

The birth name of this Retired Tennis Player is Dinara Mubinovna Safina. She has also a nick name and it is Marata. Basically She is Russian. The home town of this person is Moscow, Russia. In the below section you will more & more information.
Birth Name | Dinara Mubinovna Safina |
By Name | Marata |
Profession(s) | Retired Tennis Player |
Male/Female | Female |
Religious Belief | Christianity |
Born In | Moscow, Russia |
Residence | Monte Carlo, Moscow |
Birth Day | 27-Apr-86 |
Star Sign | Tauras |
Age as in [year] | 36 Years Old |
Ethnicity | White, Tartar descent |
Nationality | Russian |
Body Type | Athletic |
Heights | 1.85 m (511) |
Weight | 154 lb (70 kg) |
Eye Colours | Green |
Hair Color | Light brown |
Educational Qualification | Law Degree |
Father’s name | Mubin Mikhail Safin |
Mother | Rauza Islanova |
Sibling | Marat Safin |
Marital Status | No |
Spouse | Not Available |
Hobby | Tennis Card (2005) Ace Debut |
Salary | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worths | $8 million |
How old is Marata?
Do you have an interest in the Dinara Mubinovna Safina age? Here, you will get all the information about her birthday, birthplace and other related things. Based on our research the birthday is on 27-Apr-86. She is now 36 years old . By born She is from Moscow, Russia.
Dinara Mubinovna Safina Height, Weight and Other Info
Some of the fans love to know about the physical status of their favorite celebrities. Celebrities physical state, height, weights, etc always create new trends. We understand your demand. Her height is 1.85 m (511). The weight of this person is 154 lb (70 kg). Weight is an ever changable value. You are going through the latest value of her weight now.
Dinara Mubinovna Safina Marital Status and Affairs
What is the marital status of Dinara Mubinovna Safina? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. we are going to provide few vital informations like affairs, mariatal status, spous, hobbies and others. Her favorite personalities and things have been described here. According to our research and data her is no
Dinara Mubinovna Safina Net Worth and Salaries

What is the actual net worth of Dinara Mubinovna Safina? What about her income? Though it is impossible to get the exact information about salary and assets. Few controversial facts have also been provided here. The Net worth of Dinara Mubinovna Safina is $8 million.
These are the information you might be looking for the weight, height, age and bio of Dinara Mubinovna Safina. Having a clear idea about this celebrety all these information will help you. If you have found anything wrong, inform us through comment or use our contact detailsYour comments are valuable to us.