Do you know Calvin Lawrence Booth? He is an emerging Basketball Player at present. We have added the detailed biography of this Basketball Player. If you are curious about Calvin Lawrence Booth, you are in the right place. Here we discussed about Calvin Lawrence Booth net worth, age, height and other details. Go ahead to check the details.
Calvin Lawrence Booth Wiki

The birth name of this Basketball Player is Calvin Lawrence Booth. His nick name is Calvin. He has American citizenship. The home town of this person is Reynoldsburg, Ohio, United States. To get more information check the below table section.
Real Name/Birth Name | Calvin Lawrence Booth |
Celebrated Name | Calvin |
Profession(s) | Basketball Player |
Male/Female | Male |
Religion | Christian |
Born In | Reynoldsburg, Ohio, United States |
Living in | United States |
Date of Birth | 7-Jul-76 |
Birth Sign | Taurus |
Age | 45 Years Old |
Ethnicity | Black |
Citizenship | American |
Body Type | Athletic |
Height | 611 (211 cm) |
Weight | 104.3 kg (230 lb) |
Eye | Brown |
Hair Colour | Dark brown |
Educational Status | Penn States college in Arts and Groveport Madison |
Father | Not Known |
Mother’s name | Unknown |
Sibling | Not Available |
Marital Status | Married |
Spouse | Keisha Booth |
Favorite | Autographed Wizards Basketball Card, Trading Card |
Earning | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worths | $1m $5 million |
How old is Calvin Lawrence Booth?
Do you know what is the age of Calvin Lawrence Booth? We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. The birth date is 7-Jul-76. He is now 45 years old. He was born in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, United States.
Calvin Lawrence Booth Height, Weight and Other Information
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. A celebrity can set a trend through hair style, attire, makeup and even height, weight, eye color too. We are concern about it. He is 611 (211 cm) tall. tall. The weight is 104.3 kg (230 lb). The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.
Calvin Lawrence Booth Marital Status and Affairs
Do you have any interest about Calvin Lawrence Booth’s marital life? People always shows keen interest about the personal life of any celebrities. we are going to provide few vital informations like affairs, mariatal status, spous, hobbies and others. Lets discuss about his favourite stuffs like color, food, sports, places and personalities as well. His marital status is married
Calvin Lawrence Booth Net Worth and Salary Information

Have you ever thought about Calvin Lawrence Booth’s net worth? What about his income? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. Some controversies about his are found which is also added below. Calvin Lawrence Booth’s net worth is $1m $5 million.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Calvin Lawrence Booth net worth, height, weight and bio. We hope this information will provide clear concepts about him. There may have some wrong information, if you find anything like that inform us through comment or use our contact detailsWe are waiting for you.