Do you know Bridget Moynahan? She is one of the most promising Actress and model of this time. In this part we write her biography. If you are interested in Kathryn Bridget Moynahan, we can assure you will be happy by visiting here. We have added detail;s of Kathryn Bridget Moynahan net worth, age, height and other details. Go ahead to check the details.

Kathryn Bridget Moynahan Biography
The full name of this Actress and model is Kathryn Bridget Moynahan. She has also a nick name and it is Bridget Moynahan. Her nationality is American by birth. The home town of this person is Binghamton, New York, United States. To get more information scroll the following table.
Real Name | Kathryn Bridget Moynahan |
By Name | Bridget Moynahan |
Male/Female | Female |
Profession | Actress and model |
Citizenship | American |
Birth Location | Binghamton, New York, United States |
Birthday | 28-Apr-71 |
Age | 51 years old |
Height | 1.77 m |
Height(s) Feet | 5 feet and 9 inches |
Height(s) cm | 177 cm |
Weight(s) | 57 kg |
Weight in Pound | 125 pounds |
Dates with | To be Updated |
Marital Condition | Married |
Spouse | Andrew Frankel(m. 2015) |
Son/Daughter | Yes (John Edward Thomas Moynahan) |
Salary | —- |
Net Worth | $30 million |
Kathryn Bridget Moynahan Age and birth place
Do you have any idea about Kathryn Bridget Moynahan age? You can find it here if you don’t know about her birthday or birthplace and other facts related to this. Her birthday is on 28-Apr-71. Now She is 51 years old. By born She is from Binghamton, New York, United States.
Kathryn Bridget Moynahan Height and Physical Information
Physical structure expresses the beauty of celebrities. A celebrity can set a trend through hair style, attire, makeup and even height, weight, eye color too. We are concern about it. Her height is 1.77 m. The weight of this person is 57 kg. We have put the latest value of her weight here though it can change at anytime.
Bridget Moynahan Marital Status and boyfriend
Do you know the marital status of Kathryn Bridget Moynahan? If you want to know about personal life this section is for you. In this section you will get information about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things. We have tried to cover their favorite things and personalities here. Let check the table below to know about marital status and other information.

Bridget Moynahan Net Worth and Salary Information
Have you ever thought about Bridget Moynahan’s net worth? How much is her salary? Though it is impossible to get the exact information about salary and assets. We have provided the latest information about salary and assets in the table below. Few controversial facts have also been provided here. Bridget Moynahan’s net worth is $30 million.
Frequently Ask Questions
What is the age of Bridget Moynahan?
The Age of Kathryn Bridget Moynahan is 51 years old.
Is Bridget Moynahan Married?
She is married.
Where is the birthplace of Bridget Moynahan?
The birthplace of Bridget Moynahan is Binghamton, New York, United States.
What is the Birth day of Bridget Moynahan?
The date of birth of Bridget Moynahan is 28-apr-71.
What is the profession of Bridget Moynahan?
She is Actress and model.
Here is all about Kathryn Bridget Moynahan net worth, bio, hight,weight, and other information. Hope the above information helps you to know about her. Do you find anythig wrong in all of these? you can share your opinion through the comments form. We are awaiting your opinion.