Are you interested to know Arike Ogunbowale? She is popular enough for the youth at this time. We have covered the details of this Professional Basketball Player (Playing Guard for University of Notre Dame). If you are curious about Arike Ogunbowale, you are in the right place. Here you will get the details of Arike Ogunbowale net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.
Arike Ogunbowale Short Wiki

The full name of this Professional Basketball Player (Playing Guard for University of Notre Dame) is Arike Ogunbowale. The tag name is Arike. Based on her birthplace, She is American. The name of her home town is . By religion She is . She continues her study till Graduated from divine savior holy angels high school. To get more information check the below table section.
Birth Name | Arike Ogunbowale |
Familiar name | Arike |
Gender | Female |
Nationality | American |
Ethnicity | Hybrid Afro-American Multiracial |
Divinity | Not Available Right Now |
Arike Ogunbowale Age and Birth Information
You must have idea about Arike Ogunbowale age! If not, then nothing to worry about this. Birthday and information like Birthplace, home town etc have been focused here. From the below table you will get the different birth-related information. The birth date is 2nd of March, 1997. She is now 25 years old (as on [year]). She was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Birth Day | 2nd of March, 1997 |
Age | 25 years old (As on [year]) |
Born In | Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA |
Home Town | Not Available Right Now |
Zodiac Sign | Pisces |
Arike Ogunbowale Height and Physical Description
Celebrities’ physical status is one of the most important things for the fans. We love to follow and immitate our celebrities height, weight, hair style, eye color, attire and almost everything. We know about it. Arike Ogunbowale has a height of 173 cm. She is approximately 60 kg in weight. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value. The hair color is Black and the eye color is Black.
Height | 173 cm |
Heights in Feet | 5 Feet 8 Inch |
Height(s) meter | 1.73 meter |
Weight | 60 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 132 lbs |
Body Measurement | 33-25-34 |
Brest | 33 inch |
Waist Size in Inch | 25 inches |
Hip Size | 34 inches |
Eye Colour | Black |
Hair Colors | Black |
Arike Ogunbowale Affairs and Marital Status
Do you know the marital status of Arike Ogunbowale? Some of her personal life informations have been portrayed here to thirst your quest. In this section you will get information about her marital status, affairs, hobbies, and many other things. Lets discuss about her favourite stuffs like color, food, sports, places and personalities as well. You can check the following table to know about marital status and other information.
Marital Status | Unmarried |
Dates with | Under Review |
Affair(s) | Not Known |
Husband/Spouse | None |
Interest | Shopping and Traveling |
Father Name | Gregory Ogunbowale (Rgby and Soccer Player) |
Mother | Yolanda Ogunbowale (Softball Pitcher Player) |
Brother Name | Dare Ogunbowale (Elder, Football Player) |
Sister | Not Known. |
Famous Relatives | Not Known |
Daughter and Son | None. |

Educational Backgrounds
Know about Arike Ogunbowale’s educational qualification here. Some of the followers are interested in educational qualifications. Fans always love to follow their favourite celebreties and get inspired from their activities, qualities like education, vitues and others. The below table is about educational qualifications. It’s quite tough to find out the relaiable information in online. In case of getting less reliable source of data, we preffer to keep it blank.
School Name | Divine Savior Holy Angels High School. |
College Name | University of Notre Dame |
Educational Qualification | Graduated from Divine Savior Holy Angels High School |
Arike Ogunbowale’s Professional Life
In this section, we have focused on her professional life. We have added her professional information;, favorite things and more related information. Her main profession is Professional Basketball Player (Playing Guard for University of Notre Dame).
Famous For | 1. Star Cast of Dancing with the Star (US Dance Reality TV Show).2. Awarded Most valuable Player of the Year 2018 NCAA Division I Women’s Basketball Tournament |
Profession | Professional Basketball Player (Playing Guard for University of Notre Dame) |
Tattoos | Not Available Right Now |
Hobbies | Shopping and Traveling |
Favorite Celebrities | Ryan Reynolds |
Arike Ogunbowale Net Worth and Salaries
What is the actual net worth of Arike Ogunbowale? How much money does her make? You know well that no one’s salary and assets remain fixed for a long period of time. We have provided the latest information about salary and assets in the table below. All her controvercies are updated in this section. The total net worth of Arike Ogunbowale is $80,000 US dollars (As on 2018).
Earning | Not Known |
Net Worth | $80,000 US dollars (As on 2018) |
Favourite Color | Blue and Black |
Favorite Food | Sea Food |
Favourite Place | Not Available Right Now |
Common Question of Arike Ogunbowale
What is the net worth of Arike Ogunbowale?
The net worth is $80,000 US dollars (As on 2018).
What is the age of Arike Ogunbowale?
The Age of Arike Ogunbowale is 25 years old (As on [year]).
What is the profession of Arike Ogunbowale?
She is Professional basketball player (playing guard for university of notre dame).
Where is the birthplace of Arike Ogunbowale?
The birthplace of Arike Ogunbowale is Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Usa.
What are the hobbies of Arike Ogunbowale?
The hobbies are Shopping and traveling.
Here we have tried our best to cover all the information about Arike Ogunbowale net worth, height, weight and bio. All these information will help you to know about the person. Is all information correct? you can contact us through our comment form. We are awaiting your opinion.