Are you interested to know Animul Islam Bislop? He is an Bangladeshi cricketer at present. In this part, we write his biography. If you are interested in Animul Islam Bislop, we can assure you will be happy to visit here. Here we discussed Animul Islam Bislop’s net worth, age, height, and other details. Let’s Check.

Animul Islam Biplop Biography
The real name of this cricketer is Animul Islam Biplop. People and his relatives often call him Liton. He has Bangladeshi citizenship. The home town of this person is Shariatpur District, Bangladesh. Let’s scroll down the below table.
Full Name/Real Name | Animul Islam Bislop |
Nickname | Animul |
Father | will be update soon |
Mother | will be update soon |
Siblings | will be update soon |
Known for | Bangladeshi Professional Cricketer |
Male/Female | Male |
Main Profession | Cricketer |
Citizenship | Bangladeshi |
Birthplace | Shariatpur District, Bangladesh |
Birthday | October 13, 1994 |
Age | 27 years old |
Height | 1.76 m |
Height(s) Feet | 5 feet 9 inches |
Height(s) cm | 175 cm |
Weight | 72 kg |
Weight(s) in pound | 158 lbs. |
Dating History | not known |
Marital Condition | married |
Spouse | Not Known |
Son/Daughter | not available |
Education | wiil be update soon |
Salary | 2 |
Net Worth | $1 million-$5 Million US Dollar |
Animul Islam Bislop Age?
Are you curious about the Animul Islam Biplop age? We have covered the date of birth and other related information here. The birth date is October 13, 1994. Now his age is 27 years old. He was born in Shariatpur District, Bangladesh.
Animul Islam Bislop Height, Weight, and Other Info
Many of the followers always try to learn about the physic of their favorite celebrities. Idol’s physical state, height, weight even hairstyle is followed by the fans. We are concerned about it. His height is 1.85 m. His weight is approximately 80 kg. The Weight can be changed regularly, here we have added the latest value.

Animul Islam Biplop Marital Status and Affairs
Are you interested in the marital life of Animul Islam Biplop ? Some of his personal life information has been portrayed here to thirst your quest. In this below section we have added marital status and affairs, hobbies, and many other things. We have also written about favorite personalities and things like color, food, etc. here. Check the below to the table to know about your famous person’s marital life.

Animul Islam Bislop’s Net Worth and Salaries
What is the net worth of Animul Islam Biplop? How much money does he make? It is common for, salary and assets to change over time. In the following section, you will get details information about his salary, net worth, and asset. In this section, you are going to read all their controversies of his. Animul Islam Biplop’s net worth is $1 million-$5 Million US Dollar
Common Question of Animul Islam Bislop
He is unmarried.
The net worth is $1 million-$5 Million US Dollar
The birthplace of Animul Islam Bislop is Dinajpur, Bangladesh
He is 1.75 m tall.
He is an Bangladeshi national team cricketer.
This is the information you might be looking for the weight, height, age, and bio of Animul Islam Bislop. With all this information you can know about this person. Is all information correct? feel free to contact us. Your opinion is valuable to us.