Are you interested to know Akebono Tar? He is one of the popular Professional Sumo Wrestler, Professional Wrestler & Mixed Martial Artist to many people. In this part we write his biography. Are you interested to know about Akebono Tar? Here we have discussed about him. Here you will get the details of Akebono Tar net worth age, affairs, educational background, salary and much other information. Go ahead to check the details.
Akebono Tar Biography

The full name of this Professional Sumo Wrestler, Professional Wrestler & Mixed Martial Artist is Akebono Tar. His nick name is Bono-Kun, Bono Tiger, Monster Bono &Great Bonosuke. Basically He is American. His home town is Waimnalo, Hawaii, United States. In the following table you will get more information.
Full Name/Real Name | Akebono Tar |
Known as | Bono-Kun, Bono Tiger, Monster Bono &Great Bonosuke |
Profession(s) | Professional Sumo Wrestler, Professional Wrestler & Mixed Martial Artist |
Gender | Male |
Religion | Unknown |
Home Town | Waimnalo, Hawaii, United States |
Residence | Not Disclosed |
Date of Birth | 8-May-69 |
Sun Sign | Taurus |
Age as in [year] | 52 Years Old |
Tribe | American-Japanese |
Nationality | American |
Figure Status | Athletic |
Height | 2.03m (68) |
Weight | 233 kg (514 lbs) |
Eye | Blue |
Hair | Light presence of hair |
Education | Hotel Management |
Father | Randolph Rowan |
Mother’s name | Janice Rowan |
Sibling | Chad, Ola |
Marital Condition | Unknown |
Spouse | Christiane Reiko Kalina |
Hobby | Sumo Equipment |
Salary | We will update the salary soon |
Net Worths | $1.5 Million |
Bono-Kun, Bono Tiger, Monster Bono &Great Bonosuke Age and birth place
Do you know what is the age of Akebono Tar? Please have a look in the below part if you are interested about his birthday and birthplace related facts. Based on our research the birthday is on 8-May-69. He is now 52 years old. According to our research, He was born in Waimnalo, Hawaii, United States.
Akebono Tar Height, Weight and Physical Info
Physical beauty expresses how much your favorite celebrities take care of their beauty and fitness. Fan followers are always having craze on physical sturucture like hight, weight, eye colors, body shape and so on. We know about it. He is almost 2.03m (68). The weight of this person is 233 kg (514 lbs). As the weight changes regularly we put the current value.
Akebono Tar girlfriend and Marital Status
Is Akebono Tar married or single? If you have a curiosity about personal life, you will get data here. In the table above, we have written his marital status, spous, current affairs, hobbies and much more personal informations in short. You will be able to know about his favourite things and pernoalities in this part. According to our research and data his is unknown
Akebono Tar Net Worth and Salary

Have you ever thought about Akebono Tar’s net worth? What amount of honorarium does He get? Salary and net worth are such values which are always changable with time. We also add the controversies in this section. The Net worth of Akebono Tar is $1.5 Million.
This is all about Akebono Tar’s net worth, bio, height, weight, and other information. Hope the above information helps you to know about him. If you find anything wrong or want to add your favorite celebrities to our list, you can contact us through our comment form. We are waiting for you.